Becoming the client of choice
11 April 2020 by Arjen van Berkum
As many know, I am a status quo challenger when it comes to workforce optimisation. Looking at the future of work, I firmly believe that talent will remain a scarce commodity the next few years. This makes it important to do good vendor management. How do you behave towards your suppliers, How do you treat their staff?
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Four decisive responsibilities for successful contract management
1 October 2018 by Monique Liedtke
The CATS CM® approach to contract management recognises a number of important responsibilities. It is crucial to incorporate these responsibilities unambiguously and in the correct place in the organisation. What to keep in mind? How do you make sure that responsibilities for successful contract management are assigned to the most logical person or department?
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Supplier management versus contract management
by Monique Liedtke
Despite the fact that there are quite some differences within some organisations in terms of tasks and responsibilities, one can say that vendor and supplier management involve managing the supplier. So, let’s equate both these terms with supplier management. Then two areas are left for comparison: supplier management versus contract management.
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From contract to partnership: Examining VESTED and CATS CM
7 September 2018 by Linda Tonkes
The landscape of contracts displays increasing diversity. An increasingly common development is that more attention is paid to different forms of contracts. The most common types are the transaction-based and performance-based contracts. The newer types of contracts are much closer to real partnerships. They are more about the effect that the services generate or the […]
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