Why venture capital should embrace contract management
4 May 2021 by Arjen van Berkum
“Nobody can do it alone” is one of my favorite quotes when it comes to describing the state of business today. We are all working in an environment where trends like hyper-specialization, the increasing speed of innovation and the growing pressure from legislation force companies to focus even more on their core business than before. Due to the increase of (specialized) suppliers taking care of (parts of) business processes, this leads to complex ecosystems where companies rely on each other in global supply chains. Something venture capital companies should take into account.
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CM Partners kicks off its international network with partnership Paustian Consulting
15 August 2019 by Linda Tonkes
More and more organisations from other European countries are exploring the contract management method CATS CM®, which has become the standard method for contract management in the Netherlands. Its our pleasure to announce that Paustian Consulting has adopted our method and will be our service partner for the Danish market.
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From contract to partnership: Examining VESTED and CATS CM
7 September 2018 by Linda Tonkes
The landscape of contracts displays increasing diversity. An increasingly common development is that more attention is paid to different forms of contracts. The most common types are the transaction-based and performance-based contracts. The newer types of contracts are much closer to real partnerships. They are more about the effect that the services generate or the […]
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