Linda Tonkes

Managing director

About Linda Tonkes

Since March 2021 Linda is the managing director of CM Partners. Linda joined CM Partners in October 2019 as a senior partner. As an enterpreneurial accountant, she saw how contracts form the basis for good business. She is a miracle worker when it comes to contract strategy and contract management implementations. Linda has an allergy to things that don't work and she knows how to eliminate the blockages flawlessly. She is a sparring partner for organizations that want to control the contractual impact of outsourcing.

Blogs by Linda Tonkes

Free webinar: Putting a business in Control with CATS CM Contract Management

09 Apr 2020 by Linda Tonkes - Contract Management

We hope you are doing fine in these pandemic times, where social distancing is disrupting daily lives. Not only lives actually, also businesses. Society has stranded in times of extremes in threats and opportunities. Especially now, exploring the way to get the most added value out of your contracts might be a really good idea. Let us introduce the CATS CM® approach to you through a free webinar on April 17th at 12:30 pm, co-hosted by Paustian Consulting (Denmark)!

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CM Partners kicks off its international network with partnership Paustian Consulting

15 Aug 2019 by Linda Tonkes - CATS CM Method Contract Management News

More and more organisations from other European countries are exploring the contract management method CATS CM®, which has become the standard method for contract management in the Netherlands. Its our pleasure to announce that Paustian Consulting has adopted our method and will be our service partner for the Danish market.

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From contract to partnership: Examining VESTED and CATS CM

The landscape of contracts displays increasing diversity. An increasingly common development is that more attention is paid to different forms of contracts. The most common types are the transaction-based and performance-based contracts. The newer types of contracts are much closer to real partnerships. They are more about the effect that the services generate or the […]

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